Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Freshwater juvenile Angelfish koi

Freshwater juvenile Angelfish koi

23 11:52:29

For a few weeks now two of my angelfish koi have been inflicted with (I presume) a cloudy fungus over one eye.  They eat normally and swim normally.  I have tried Sulfathiazole with no success.  Later, I tried Maracyn Plus, but still no luck.  I hate the idea of putting them down, but don't know what else I can try?  Do you have any recommendations that I may try?  Thanking you in advance...Bruce

Hi Bruce

This is likely Cloudy Eye, usually caused by poor water conditions. Check the water quality first and do frequent water changes, then make sure they are being fed a quality food. Do a 50% water change, then a 10% water change every couple of days. Wait about a week before trying any more antibiotics, it usually clears up on its own if the water is clean and proper tank maintenance is done.

Hope this helps, good luck!
