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Ick Question

23 11:52:29

QUESTION: Hi. Is ick worse when it is on a fish's eye. My tank just got ick and my tiger barb's eye is completely covered. I was just wondering if he is worse off than the rest.

ANSWER: Hi alex,
It might hurt his eye but it will heal. Do a water change, raise the temp about to degrees but no higher than 80F. Treat the tank with methelene blue.
If you need more help just ask,

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I had already added some ick cure that i bought from the fish store and its been in there a two or three days. I have had ick for a little while longer than that though because i have never seen it before and its already killed possibly all or all but one of my cherry barb fish. The one keeps coming and leaving and I dont see a body so im not sure what is going on with it.

My tiger barb is the only one with a trace of ick left on him. It is on both eyes now and a tiny bit on his tail. He is floating around at the top now which he never does. At first it was just by the heater, but now its not. Is he getting worse? I have been following the directions on the ick treatment and every other fish is totally fine to my knowledge, but he just seems worse.

And I have another question not really related to ick. My parents recently bought me fish...hence the ick outbreak...
They bought me these two bright yellow/green fish that I don't know the name of, two shrimp, and these two algae eaters.

My problem is with the algae eaters. I am almost positive they are some kind of pleco. When I first set up my tank a long time ago, they gave my mom a pleco to bring home and it ate most of my fish. Out of all the fish I started with I only have two left. We took it out and gave it away. I didn't get a chance to check what kind of fish it was before I found that it was in my tank. Is there a way to tell if it will eat my fish again? I never see either of them because they are nocturnal.
I also don't know if they survived the ick treatment because they are scaleless and its worse for them according to what i have read. They hide in the castle that is in my tank, so I'm not sure what I should do because I don't want to lose my fish again.

Hi Alex,
Is it possible you can send me a few pics?

It is likely your barb is getting worse. i've never had any luck with anything other than methylene blue.

even if other fish don't look like it they still are infected as ick is so easily spread.
Fallow my instructions up to pand tell me how it goes.