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sick peacocks?

23 14:26:40

Hi Ron,

I asked a question a couple of weeks ago about my peacocks rubbing and slamming their bodies into the gravel.  I've seen no signs of ick on the fish, I've had that before and this isn't it.  It almost looks like the scales are coming off, and kind of whitish patches on the scales around, but no spots on the fins or stringy stuff coming off them.  I'm at a loss, I don't want to medicate for no reason, none of the other fish have it on them.  But it's starting to look like they're losing weight, both are still eating but they look horrible.  Any ideas?

Thanks Candace

Hi Candace,
 That is a hard one.   I assume that they aren't fighting???

 I also assume that you are doing regular weekly, partial water changes of about 20%?

-- Ron
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