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betta sick- torn on what to use

23 13:57:35

I have exhausted the Internet and come to the conclusion my betta has an
infection, possibly bladder.  Not constipated, I have witnessed him going at
least twice.  Three days ago this began, he is listless to the point of never
swimming- just sits either on bottom or on top by surface to just sleep and
breathe.  Won't eat really.  Reluctantly would eat one of the three pellets then
goes back to sleep.  No apparent floating issues.  Had 7 months, always super
active, always ravenous with eating, always makes bubble nests but one day
was great, then next moring not.  His side profile towards end of bottom by
tail does have a bump protruding, but there is swimming problems (sideways
etc) that is making me conclude an infection.  My dillema:  go strong with
Tetracycline or go mild with Melafix?  I actually gave 3 days of Lifeguard from
Jungle (non antibiotic for fungal and bacteria) but my fish is the same if not
worse.  Conditions daily:  5 gallon tank, water is 81, water changes are every 6
days, feed 3 pellets twice a day, then every 3rd day a freeze dried
bloodworm.  I feel my time is running out as we are on day 3 so should I do a
complete water change and start tetracycline...?  Will that make him worse?

Hi Allison,
  I can't say.  I am not a fan of administering any medication without knowing what is actually wrong with a fish.  All too often the medications cause more problems than they solve and can be very hard on a fish.

 It is also possible that he is just getting old.  Bettas don't actually live very long.

-- Ron
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