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Black moor, changing colors

23 14:50:54

I've owned a black moor for over a year now, and at first he was all black, but for a few months now he's been changing colors. His underbelly is all white, one of the fins underneath is gold and black, the other is white and black. On his mid section is gold, and above that is black. His head is orange, along with his eyes. His back end the fins, are mostly black, but some have small patches of white, and orange.

He's really quite pretty, it just seemed really weird....he doesn't seem to be unhappy, he swims around a lot, and seems to be a really happy fish. His name is Spaz, the first day we had him he was all over the tank. His tank mates are goldfish (we have a 35 gallon tank) We have one Shubunkin, one veiltail, and one common (they all are really big) we also have one small bottom feeder, and one white, and orange angelfish. Please tell me wether we need to do something for him. I really love my fish. Thank you.

Hello Jessica-

No worries about Spaz - Most black moors nowadays change colors, usually to gold or light gold. It comes with age and is perfectly normal. Eventually, he may go solid gold after a year or so passes.

Enjoy your little guy!
-Amber Worman