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Goldfish Jumped Out of Tank

23 14:03:11

Hello yesterday our goldfish jumped out of the tank when the lid was left open. She's been with us about 5 years now. I don't think she was out to long but it was about a three foot fall. When I noticed that this happened I put her back in the tank. She's alive but won't swim. All her fins are working and she will eat if hand fed. She can swim only if we are helping her by holding her gently in the water but as soon as we let go she falls straight down and lays on her side. One of her eyes hads red spots in it. I'm not sure if we should give up and end her misery or if there is hope for her. Please let me know what you think. Thank you-Christine

Hi Christine,

It is possible the Goldfish suffered an internal trauma during the fall, which has caused an internal bleed. However, this probably would have killed her by now.

She has probably entered shock, if she's feeding and (sort of) swimming then she's beginning to show the signs of a healthy fish. Goldfish are far more intelligent than people give them credit for. Feed her high quality live and green foods and she should be fighting fit in no time.

Good Luck
