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Fish with red spot/anchor worms

23 11:31:38

Wish it was that easy, but only has the one spot, rest of body appears fine, and can't see any of the other symptoms.  He may have just been born with an internal deformity that didn't show up until he was older (I had to have brain surgery when I was 35 for a birth defect with the vessels on the surface of my brain that I didn't know about til then so who knows?).  He is still eating, swimming and isn't lethargic.  Aah, what we and vets and doctors don't know about anatomy!  Thanks for your help!

yeah anchor worms only make one hole..but if you google pics of what anchor worms cause im not sure thats what your fish's problem looks like??

hope your fish is alright and i hope your ok now!!

and yep your right, there will always be new stuff to learn