Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Bottom heavy beta

Bottom heavy beta

23 15:10:24

Hi!  I've had my beta for almost a year and I have him in a clear plastic magazine holder (which sounds funny but it works out well since it gives him alot of room and it looks nice and modern) with a plant, two snails, and some rocks.  I've changed the water regularly and have done everything I normally do.  Now he acts like he has rocks in his bottom.  He'll come up to the surface to eat, move around a little, then let himself sink to the bottom and will just lay there.  I can't figure out what's wrong with him.  Any ideas, or anything I can do?

Hi Erica;

It sounds like swim bladder disease. The swim bladder is an organ inside the fish just below the spine. It fills with blood gasses to allow the fish to go up in the water and deflates to go down. When it fails, the fish usually sinks like yours does because the swim bladder can't hold gasses anymore. There really isn't much you can do except keep his tank clean and keep his water as warm as possible. The warmer water will help him heal. Some fish regain the use of their swim bladder, some don't. I have heard from some betta keepers and experts that the feeding of cooked squished green peas can help. You might try it and see.

Your fish is almost 2 years old now (they are about a year when sold) so he is a senior citizen and will be more prone to illness. They live to be 2 to 3 years or so. Keep his tank warm and clean. this will help him fight off disease by boosting his immune system and metabolism.

I hope he feels better soon....

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