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coy fish

23 11:09:48

I have a 90 gallon tank and we have only 3 coy but have gold fish also in there will they eat my baby gold fish? are they a mean fish?

Hi Karen,

Got your question, tonight, in the question pool.  Apparently, another expert didn't know the answer, so they referred it there for others to answer.  I chose yours because I believe my expertise can help you.  It's probably been there awhile, and for that, my apologies, but we were just given it by that expert tonight.  I got right to your question the second it came in.

Koi are not aggressive fish.  They generally don't eat the fry.  There is a chance that they will eat a few, but if there are places to hide, then the fry will survive.  Goldfish fry are very good at hiding and finding ways to survive.

Happy fish-keeping.
