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Moving an Oscar

23 14:50:21

We need to move an oscar from a home to an apartment 3 hours away.  The oscar is approximately 7 inches long, he is a big fish.  What is the best and safest way to move this guy.


Hi chris

 Before you attempt to move any aquarium it must be emptied of all water, decoration, and gravel. Moving an aquarium with water or substrate would not only be extremely heavy, there is a high risk of damage to the aquarium. Approximately fifty percent of the water should be siphoned off and placed into food grade plastic containers; this will be used to re-establish the aquarium once it reaches its destination. Remember to switch of all electrical equipment before starting this process. Then remove any decoration and plants; this will make catching the fish much easier, pack the fish and plants.Do not clean the filter or substrate in tap water this would kill vital bacteria that are necessary for maintaining water quality..

The fish should be packed in watertight polythene bags taking care to pack large or spiny fish, like catfish separately from others.

hope i helped