Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Velvet


23 11:31:36

I have a 65 gallon hex tank with African Cichlids.  I believe they have contracted Velvet.  Once I noticed the yellowish powder and the labored breathing I did a 50% water change (3 days ago).  The next day I added Mardel Coppersafe and Aquarium salt per instructions on each product.  My fish are not looking any better and are still hovering at the top of the tank for air.

Should I do another coppersafe treatment along with a smaller water change?  Does my python need to be cleaned in any way before I use it again?

Velvet is mostly caused by poor water quality.  Check your water for ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates.  Ammonia must be zero, nitrites zero, and nitrates should be low.  You can buy these small test kits at your pet store.  Make sure your water chemistry is right, and treat with copper sulphate for 10 days.  Turn off the tank lights as this favours this parasite.  Add 1 teaspoon of diluted aquarium salt to 5 gallons of water.  Remove your carbon while treating.
I hope this helps at that they will all pull through.