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my sideways fish

23 15:11:42

   Last Saturday my friend gave me two Tin Foil Barbs and two Silver Dollars... both species are a whopping five inches long! However, all four are swimming at an angle (my other fish don't do that), and whats more is, the one barb has cloudy eyes w/ what looks like scales missing. One of the silver dollars is lethargic, and hangs around the bottom, as well.
   Now, my friends tank is overcrowded and quite filthy, so I was hoping to give them a nice life, but i don't want to infect my other fish. Our 30 gallon tank has a pH of 7.2, have a fine filter system and use "Ammo-Carb" to control ammonia and nitrate.
  I was speculating, that they might be sick because the expend so much energy chasing one another. (they HARDLY eat at all) So, if you could  tell me what could be possibly wrong w/ these fish, why they're not eating , and should I bother naming them if they're just going to would really be appreciated.


Hi Emily;

The fish are stressed from being moved and probably have injured their eyes in transport by friction with the sides of the container or net they were captured in. If they can't see well, this would explain their strange positions in the water. Use Melafix to help prevent or even cure mild infections as their eyes heal. It is a great product, and natural too.

Keep in mind that your tank may be overcrowded with the new fish added. These guys will get bigger too. (unless they were stunted by foul water conditions in the other tank) Make plenty of water changes to keep everyone healthy. I would suggest removing 25% of the water while vacuuming the gravel every week.

Keep up the good work and have fun with your new fish.

Followups welcome.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins