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Scratching Cichlid

23 11:51:31

I have 5 assorted African cichlids in a 55gl tank with a goldfish and a pleco. Recently I notice that a few of the cichlids will turn suddenly and brush up against objects in the tank. I visually check them often and have not noticed any changes. They only seem to do this after a large meal though and usually only do it a few times. Do you have any idea that it could be?

Hi Armad,
 A little occasional scratching is normal and okay.  However, keep a close eye on things to be sure that it isn't the start of an outbreak of "ick", which is a small white parasite. It looks like the fish have been dusted in icing sugar.  Ick is very treatable if you catch it early on. Personally, I always have some anti-ick medication on hand, just in case.

-- Ron
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