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platies tankmates

23 11:44:28

Will a platy have trouble living with a beta in a 4 gallon tank? I have had my platy since february 2008. He is a male. I was thinking about getting a beta for my fish tank.

Hi Victoria,
Platys usually do well with a betta, but in a bigger tank.  A betta needs 5 gallons of water to be happy, and I wouldn't share his tank with any other fish.  The vendors who say that Bettas do well in little water is untrue.  The Betta's may live in shallow water in their habitat, but they have lots of room to swim.  The Betta is one of the most mistreated fish on the market.  They need special care.
I'm sorry to disappoint you, but no, I wouldn't put a Betta in with a platy in a 4 gallon tank.  The Platy also needs room to swim, and two fish in a small tank is one too many.  We must always think of a fishes welfare.  Keeping them in small tanks, would stress them, they would be unhappy, get sick, and this brings pain to the people who get attached to them.  If you ever consider getting a bigger tank, then you could add a betta.