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My New Beta Poot.

23 13:57:50

I recently bought a beta fish from walmart, an he isn't moving around allot in his new tank could it be stress or did I do something wrong. Its a 5gal Hexagon tank with a light filter. He was very active in his plastic cup an now he tends to stay at the top under a lily pad, he dose not shy away when I open the feeding lid. He also has stopped eating. I don't think I did anything wrong. The water is at 82 degrees, I treated it an let it sit for 24hrs before putting him in, I made sure I bought 'Beta Decorations'.I  fed him twice yesterday in his plastic cup the first time with the beta pellets (2) an then some blood worms (tiny tiny tiny pinch).So if you have any idea what is going on with him can you let me know? I really don't want him to die he is very pretty.

PS, is it normal for there to be allot of air bubbles at the top they were there before my beta.

Hi Theresa;

It may be he is just trying to get used to his new tank. He's probably never had a filter before and he's trying to get used to the idea. If he still isn't becoming active in another couple of days, try making a 25% water change in his tank. Be sure to remove uneaten food so it doesn't foul his water.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins