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New Blue Scale Oranda

23 14:48:51



Followup To

Question -
We purchased a new blue scale oranda a couple of days ago.  He looked fine in the store but he just sits at the bottom of his new tank for the last two days.  Otherwise he has no signs of problems save for occassional erratic swimming (quick swimming right into the glass - does not flip over though or look out of balance). His fins are not clamped and so far he still eats.  No outward signs of ick, fungus, gill issues etc.  
Water quality is A1, amonia 0, ph is between 7 and 8.  We do water changes regularly and put cycle and aqua plus in the water.  In fact we just moved 3 goldfish from that tank into a bigger tank and they did fine in it for months.

Thanks for your help.

Answer -
Hi Marcel;

You might want to make a 25% water change and check the level of nitrite. When new fish are added to an established tank it will often rise pretty quickly. Aquarium salt helps alleviate nitrite poisoning. Use it as well as doing a 25% water change. Water changes of 25% can be done daily if needed to get the fish through this until the system balances again.

Note that it is nitrIte and not nitrAte you need to check. The presence of nitrate is okay at 40 ppm or less and is seriously less toxic than nitrite. Partial water changes weekly are how to keep nitrate low.

If there is no nitrite and the fish is still acting stressed, let me know. There may be gill parasites or something else on him.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins
My follow up question,
Hi Chris - thanks for your earlier response.  We've done two successive water changes with 3 applications of salt (1 tablespoon per each 5 gallons).  This hasn't worked, though there may be a very modest improvement.  You were suggesting it may also be a parasite.  We don't see anything.  Perhaps it is internal or microscopic.  Once again, blue oranda is mostly lethargic, does eat a little and occasionally darts around like crazy.  Fins, eyes are fine.  We've solved other fish disease situations but can't manage this one.  We have medications in our cabinet (Furan -2, general cure, Triple Sulfa, rid ick and fungus clear tank buddies).  We greatly appreciate your help.  Thanks.  

Hi Marcel;

I would still check the nitrites before treating with anything. Even with the water changes it could be elevated. Nitrites will continue to rise until the system is biologically balanced again. That's why continued testing and additional water changes as needed are so essential.

Without seeing symptoms of parasites I really don't know what they are, or if they are even present at all. You could treat with the General Cure and see what happens I guess. It does treat a broad range of parasites. Just please do the test for nitrite first to rule it out. If there are toxins present making him weak, medicines could actually make him worse. While medicines do treat and can sure disease there is a certain amount of stress and irritation often brought along with them.

You might want to check his gills too. Since there are no external symptoms and he is lethargic he may have gill damage. Lift the gill plate with a fingernail to see. Here is a link to a flow chart with a few things to look for;

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins