Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Build at home stands vs already built stands

Build at home stands vs already built stands

23 11:31:40

I've been looking at stands for my 55 gallon tank, and so far I've come down to two options: there are stands you take home and build, and ones that are already built. The prebuilt stands are much more expensive than the take home ones, so I'm questioning the quality of the take home ones.

Are the take home ones less stable or something, or are the prebuilt stands more expensive just because the extra cost accounts for the work needed to build them?

Thanks for all your help.

Hi Alex,
I would think that the main reason the prebuilt stands are more expensive is because they are ready to put your tank on them right away.  Not much work goes into making the prebuilt stands.  A few screws, and that's it.  I find that they sell these stands for too much money, and they are not worth it.   I have found beautiful pieces of furniture at second hand stores that do very well for most of my tanks.  You can either paint them, or varnish them, and they are much prettier than the prebuilt stands you buy, and pay lots of money for.  There are all kinds of different paint you can use in different colours that make a tank look very nice.
I do not think there is any difference between the stands that you build, and the ones that are already built, if you decide to buy one from the pet store.