Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > whats wrong with my beta?

whats wrong with my beta?

23 15:06:41

i have had this particular beta for about a week and a half, but i don't think he is eating. he lies around on the bottom of the tank, or resting on his plastic plant.  his tank is not filtered, rock bottom, about 1 litre in size, de-chlorinated water, just the one fish. He doesn't seem to eat the beta food, or the regular fish food. i have another tank with a beta who lives just fine with other fish. is this new one sick or depressed?
thank you for any advice you have!

Hi Eva;

He may be too cold. Bettas are tropical and need temperatures of 75 to 80 Fahrenheit all the time. Some bettas seem to do okay in cooler water for awhile, but most don't. They really need heat.

Also change his water at least once a week. In such a small tank he will really need it. It helps them keep their immune systems working.

Hope he feels better soon.......

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