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help! i think my fish is pregnant!

23 14:24:54

i just bought a Dalmatian molly from the pet store and she was kind of bigger than the others so i asked the fish guy if she was pregnant and he said she might be she is sorta big.I just want to be sure if she is pregnant and when to put her in a breeder.!!!!

Hi Bob;

If she has been in a tank with males within the last year, she's most likely carrying babies. When livebearer females are within a week or less of dropping babies they will usually develop a "boxy" look to their bellies. The bottom and sides look flattish. They also hide more than usual. Babies are usually born early in the morning before dawn. Do weekly 25% water changes to keep her healthy and strong. Fresh water is your best defense against problems in all fish. Good diet is important too. Mollies really need veggies at least 3 times a week. Cooked and peeled peas, cooked green beans, romaine lettuce, spirulina algae, and cucumber slices are all good options. It helps digestion and gives them nutrients that regular flakes or pelleted food can't provide.

Good Luck!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins