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small aquarium

23 11:51:00

I have a 1 gallon tank that I would like to be able to put fish in. Are there any you would recogmend.It can be heated, lit and filtered.I do have  a 10gallon where a platy is presently giving birth to little ones. Would they be ok in such a small tank and if so for how long? I was also using thinking of neon tetras as they stay fairly mall. Thanks for any help!

Hi Diane

Unfortunately a 1 gallon tank isn't much good for anything. No matter how small the fish, you wouldn't be able to put more than one in there. They serve a good purpose as a temporary holding container, but not as a permanent home for anyone.

As for the Platy fry, they would be better in breeder net which hangs inside your main tank.

Hope this helps, good luck!
