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deep sea fish

23 14:13:55

hi Ron,
I'm a fourth grader named Matt. I am doing a project on the deep sea.  I already know that there are over a hundred different types of deep sea fish and that they are very unique.  I was wondering if you knew about the deep sea anglerfish or footballfish.  Also do you what the top 10 deepest deep sea trenches.  Thanks for your help, Matt

Hi Matt,
  Yes I know a little about some of the deep sea anglerfish. They are really fascinating.  Many of them have a wormlike thing on the head which has a little blob on the end of it. The fish waves the "worm" in front of its mouth.  The blob (called the esca) sometimes looks an awful lot like a little fish and acts like a lure.  So when the anglerfish waves this it attracts other fish who try to eat the little "fish" but get gulped by the anglerfish.  It's very cool stuff.  

 I have never seen an anglerfish in the wild thought I have seen some in aquaria.  Commerson's angler is particularly pretty -- they are often orange or reddish and can change color. Because they sit on the bottom, their fins are shaped almost like legs and they "walk" on the bottom on these fins.
 Unfortunately, I don't know the deep sea trenches very well.  I know of the Mariana's trench but I dont' know the names of the others. Sorry.  

-- Ron
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