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ill angel fish

23 11:58:54

my angel fish is pretty swollen in the belly area i thought she was pregnant till i read your response from the other individual about her fish. so i was just wondering if the peas are the only way of helping her if not will it pass or should i put her to sleep.

Hi Ikaika;

Serious swelling in the belly rarely resolves itself. It really depends on the cause of the problem whether anything will help at all. If it's constipation then peas would help. If it's more serious such as infection or tumor, then peas won't help. There really isn't much you can do in cases like that. Medicated food for bacterial infections might be worth a try but if she won't eat it, it can't help.

I'm sorry she's so sick. If you decide it's time for her to go, please check out the following web site first;

Hoping for the best...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins