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troical fish

23 11:58:55

my angel fish have laid eggs can you tell me how safe it is to keep them in a tank with other fish,i have got silver dollers, geramies, one red fin shark, one ruby shark three black widdows and two largeplecks .               thank you

Hi Margaret;

The eggs and/or babies don't have much of a chance in a community tank. If they aren't picked off during the day your plecostamus will get them at night. If you want to raise baby angels you will have to get a separate breeder tank for your pair. Make it at least a 20 gallon. That's their best chance. Be sure to plan ahead and get some baby brine shrimp hatched for those tiny babies. They can't eat the dried food your larger fish eat, it's too large and they won't grow very well on it even if they do. They need a high-protein preferably fresh and live food source.

Very soon you have to get another tank to let the babies grow up in until they are large enough to go to new homes. The parents will usually only tolerate them until the next batch of eggs is laid. The parents will lay eggs about once a month or so, anywhere from 100 to 500 of them. Not all the babies that hatch usually survive but that's still a lot of little fish! Are you up to it? Tanks all over the house with all different sizes of baby angels.....It's quite a project! With all of that (and more) to consider, sometimes it's best to just let nature take it's course and let the eggs be eaten. Good luck, whatever you decide to do!....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins