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female betta fins and attitude

23 11:05:08

I have a 10 gal. tank with a divider, one side is my male and the other side holes two females Lola and Angel. The pet store I bought my fish from said it would be okay to put the females together that they aren't aggressive. They didn't fight or even bicker at each other until lately when I mated Lola with my male and when I threw Lola back into the female side she started attacking Angel. Now Angel barely has any fins. I took Lola out and she is now in the 1 gal tank. My questions are 1) are female betas okay to keep together in one tank? 2) will the fins grow back? and what should I do? please help i am new at this and i don't know what to do.

Also, my 10 gal tank doesn't have anything to cover the top and dust and cat hair is getting in the tank, I'm continuously cleaning the tank. Is there a lid or something I can get for the top to keep the hair and dust out.

Thank you, Nicole

Nicole,    What is happening here is she knows her young is there and she is trying to protect them too, even if from afar. You may or may not be able to put them back after the fry are gone. It depends on Lola. I would go and get some betta blue and medicate Angel in the small tank to make sure she does not acquire an infection from her injuries and return Lola to the big tank. Then try to reintroduce them after she heals. As far as the top being open, it would be a good idea to cover it with plastic wrap. You can leave the corner up so the oxygen flows through. Especially for the fry. When they come up for their first breathe of air you want it to be close to the temperature of your water because they are susceptible to pneumonia. Good Luck, Tina