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Red Fish

23 11:05:05

I have a goldfish that is in a new 10 gallon aquarium with 2 live plants. Recently the fish is laying on its side and its body is turing completly red.  The tails and gills.  We put Melifix in the water and nothing is happening.  Any suggestions?

It sounds like ammonia poisoning. This can happen when a tank is not cycled before the fish are put in. It can also happen if the filter is not doing its job, or the tank the fish is in is too small. One goldfish should be in a tank no smaller than 20 gallons with a filter for a larger tank. I would do a 50% water change today, and then 25% tomorrow. It is very important that the tank is the right size and that the filter has gone through the 6 week cycle process before the fish are added. I would remove the fish from the tank and place it in your hospital tank with no filter, and cycle the tank with the filter. I would also get fish that can go in the 10 gallon.