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two betta questions

23 15:07:35

I've had my betta fish for about 3 months now, he lives in a one gallon fish bowl with some ivy sprigs in the water. There's no filter system because I've been told bettas can live without a filter. I don't really know about the water chemistry, I use tap water treated with a product called BowlPrep, and change the water (about 80% of it) once a week. I'm at college so it's hard to keep the water temperature constant - I keep him under a light but it's not on at night, but should he have a heater? I just noticed today that there's some gross brownish algae on the sides of the bowl, on the plants, and on the gravel at the bottom. How should I clean this up? I'm nervous about contaminating the water with my hands or anything else. My second question, with which I'm more concerned, is about his health. He has some gray splotches on his head, gills, and under his 'chin,' and it doesn't look like the descriptions of Ich I've read - they're flush with his scales and are bigger than grains of salt. Is he ok? He's acting normally as far as I cant tell. I've never had a fish before so I have no idea what I'm doing! Thanks

Hi Susannah;

The algae is quite normal it just looks yucky. Wipe it out with your hands or a new clean paper towel every time you change his water. As long as you rinse your hands thoroughly before you touch his water it will be just fine. It isn't our hands that contaminates fish water, it is the residue of things on them. Lotions, soaps, nail polish remover, nail treatments, etc. are all rinsed away quite easily after a good washing. Make sure especially under your fingernails is rinsed well.

Bettas don't need filters or airated water because they have an organ called a labyrinth that they store air in. That's why he goes to the top and takes gulps of air from time to time. Their original environment in Asia is just tiny little pools of water. Very warm, but no actual water movement.

He does need heat 24 hours a day. Some betta owners place a heating pad or a nightime reptile bulb in a lamp close to their tanks. Just be very careful with all of them and make sure there is no fire or electrocution danger. If the tank (or vase, or bowl, or?) is placed in an area like between books in a bookcase or on a shelf with things close to it, there will be insulation to keep the heat in more. It would be better for him and easier to keep him warm and clean if he is in a regular tank too.

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