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Goldfish injury

23 14:23:35

QUESTION: My little goldfish got stuck under my filter and sucked up against it, she must have been struggling for a couple of hours until I was able to free her.  She has damaged fins, one looks broken, and her tail fins are frayed and bleeding.  I went and got aquarium salt and stress coat to add to the water.  Is there anything else I can do for her?  How often should I change the water?  Do you think she will heal?  She seems to be doing fine otherwise.  Is it okay to use all these chemicals together?  Thank you for your help.

ANSWER: Awww, I'm so sorry to hear that. If it's any consolation, I sucked up one of my glass fish with my water siphon today........ugh.  They are just about invisible and I didn't see him until it was too late.  Things like this happen.

You did the right thing.  Stress coat and salt will both help with the healing.  What you have to be careful with is a secondary bacterial infection because of the injuries. This is what usually kills the fish (unless the injuries are just too bad).  IF you suspect he is getting worse, I would get a broad spectrum anti-bacterial medication and put it in his water.  If you have a hospital tank, it might be good to separate him. If not, just do what you can.

You should be doing weekly tank maintenance with 15-20% water changes anyway to keep your tank in good shape.  Until he starts to look like he's on the mend, I would replace about 10% every 2 days.  This will give the water a little jump and help keep it clean.  Once he heals, go back to the normal weekly schedule.

If there is anything else I can help with, let me know.  Good luck!!!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: She seems to be doing fine, eating and swimming around.  But do you think I should separate her from the others and treat her with the anti-bacterial stuff, before she starts showing signs of infection?  The only other place I could treat her would be in a fish bowl, she is in a five gal tank with two other goldfish and a filter right now, and two clawed dwarf frogs.  And if I do separate her, should I use the water out of the fish tank, because new water might be too much of a change for her?  Thank you again for your help

That's great to hear!  I don't know if I'd jump the gun and treat her because these treatments can be very stressful and she's been stressed enough (in my opinion). But it's totally up to you.  If you'd feel better treating it, then by all means, go ahead. I just don't think it's necessary at this point.  If it were my fish, I'd sit back and watch to see what happens.

Good luck.    ;o)