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23 14:24:25

Hi there wondered if you could help me? I recently brought some 6 Mollies fish and was told that they would be ok with my other fish which are tetra,s. I had them a week and every day one has died. As I've looked at them they appear to have some of their skin missing. All my other fish are ok and none of them seemed to be 'bullying' the Mollies. Do you no what could have been wrong with them? If you could help that would much appreciated. Thanks

Hi Rebecca,
 It certainly sounds to me like one or more of your existing fish are attacking the mollies.  The trouble with this sort of thing is that if often happens when you aren't around (because often when you are around the fish think they are going to be fed and so they switch focus from what they do at other times).  It is worth investigating.  

-- Ron
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