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Will elephant nose fish harrass dime sized angelfish?

23 15:09:28

  I have about one hundred dime sized baby angelfish. They are in a 15 gallon tall bare bottom aquaruim with a small corner filter. They are probably already overpopulated. They are now eating very finely ground up flake food and brine shrimp. I have other tanks and am trying to make the best desision of where to put the babies.Ok I have another 15 gallon(bare bottom) which I could take half of the babies out of the tank they are in and put them in the other. Although they will still probably be crowded. My other option is to take all of the babies and put them in my 55 gallon tank. This tank has a sand bottom and a pretty powerful filter compared to what they are used to. To add extra hesitation I have a 7 inch elephant nose fish and no other tank to put him in(he would not be ok in the 15 gallon tank). I know that they have small mouths and probably cannot eat the baby angelfish but he is quite active and I am afraid he might stress them out with all the chasing(he is spunky).I have the parents of the baby angelfish in the 55 gal but I could put them in the 15 gallon tank. I am probally stretching it by keeping them in a tank this size but it was their breeding tank at one time and they seemed to do well in it. Please help! Im not sure what would be best for the babies and do not have room or $ to buy more tanks right now. Thank you for you time.

Hi Julie,
 You don't want to leave that many babies in a small tank for very long or they will become stunted.  I am told by friends --  I have not raised angelfish myself -- that if you crowd them too long they don't get good finnage.  And an angelfish without good finnage is not saleable.  So, I suggest the 55...

-- Ron
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