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Betta Fish (is there a more humane way to die?)

23 14:47:16

My betta fish has been depressed for a very long time and avoids eating almost everyday. He has developed an open sore (a HUGE one) on the side of his body and has a hard time swimming. My betta has been sick before, when he had a bulbous eye that I took care of last winter.

I am afraid that I don't have enough time to save him (I was gone for a week and when I came back he was in bad shape) and enough money to afford more medications.

My question is, is there a humane way to kill my betta? I don't like to see him suffer and I think this would be better for both of us. This is absolutely killing me.

Hello Kristina-

Try warming the water up to about 80 F, and if you have it/can afford it, Melafix and aquarium salt will help the wound to heal. Even non-iodized table salt will work in a pinch. Try to help your fish recover before you attempt euthanasia.

Anyways...euthanasia is tricky for fish. In my lab, I use FinQuel, but it's not readily available to the public. You can use clove oil as a substitute, but most people find it easier to use the cold method.

For this, place your little guy in the largest bowl you can, and place his bowl in the fridge. I prefer not to use the freezer, as it can cause the blood to freeze in the fish's veins and create a lot of pain before death.

Hope this is useful...Sorry I can't be of more help. :(
-Amber Worman