Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > molly may be pregnant and is in the same tank as an algae eater and a goldfish

molly may be pregnant and is in the same tank as an algae eater and a goldfish

23 13:58:12

I think my Dalmatian Molly is pregnant because this past week she has kept on getting fatter. I also have a Black Male Molly, an Algae Eater and a goldfish in the same tank. The female Molly also keeps following my Goldfish around. I still don't know what my Goldfish's sex is either.

Thanks for all your time!

If there is another male in the tank, she is definitely pregant.

More importantly, get rid of the goldfish. Mollies are tropical, goldfish are coldwater, they must never be in the same tank together. If you want to keep the goldfish you can set up it's own 20 gallon or 30 gallon tank and keep it only by itself or with other coldwater fish.
