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fish food and some information how to takecare the baby platy.

23 11:07:05

Hi john i dont know what food i am to feed the baby platy in our place we have only one kind fish food found that is (TOKYU baby pallet floating type) so plz tell me is there any local food or vegetable that can be feed to the baby platy fish and tell me some instruction on regarding how to take care the baby fish.


Hello, you are sending this to John but somehow I, Jaymie, keep getting the questions. If you are in California, then there is more than one kind of fish food in your fish store. All you need to do is get a good high quality fish food and ground it up very small so that they can eat it. I am sure you can find other food at the store. You can get Omega One, and ground it finely. , Try Omega One "First Flake" and for live bearers or "Veggie Flake". As for taking care of them, you can research this on the internet. It is very important to research any fish on how to take care of it BEFORE you actually have it. Keep the water clean make sure you feed a few times a day.