Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > my fish looks pregnant?

my fish looks pregnant?

23 14:28:19

i have a fish who looks pregnant i dont remember what kind of breed she is but she is spotted almost spots like a cheeta and she has been getting bigger latly and i dont know what i should do??


The fish you described could be many different tropical fish. Is there a male of the same species in the tank with her? If she isn't a live bearer, normally female fish will not grow in size in their belly - instead they lay eggs in which the male will the fertilize. If she is a live bearer, I suggest getting some live plants in which she can feast on (or a feeding clip with fresh greens such as lettuce, cucumber, etc). However, if she is not a live bearer, then this could be caused by a type of parasite. Find out what breed she is (and possibly send a picture showing her belly from the side). I can help you more then.
