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baby Platies, Agressive and Possibly pregnant Molly

23 11:14:44

I JUST got my first fish 2 days ago, i have one Red Wag Platy, Dalmatian Lyretail Molly and a Creamcicle Lyretail Molly. the day i got them i went to a party, and when i came home i found that there were babies in my tank. the red wag showed the plumpness, i believe she gave birth. not sure. but i have caught 6 of the babies and i have put them in a separate 2 gal. beta tank. i am feeding them "first Bites". the Dalmatian Lyretail Molly has been more aggressive today then ever before, mostly towards my Creamcicle. i have them in a moderately filled (decor and plants) 10 gal. tank.

anyway, i was wondering how much to feed the babies and how often. also what should i do about my pregnant Platy? i know she is still pregnant even though i just got her because she is getting rounder. i don't want to put her in my 2 gal baby tank when she is about to give birth because i don't want her eating the babies that are in there. and i have another fish bowl that is about a gal. i was considering putting her in there and fishing out the babies with a small net afterwards and putting them in the 2 gal tank. also how can i get them grow fastest? i read that the babies will eat algae and that should speed up growth but idk... i have river rocks in jars filled with tank water outside in the sun right now to grow algae. is that a good idea? and do the adults eat algae? cause they look as tough they are picking it off the stuff in the tank. idk cause i cannot see it. and should i get an algae eater for both, one or neither of the tanks? (the baby tank i would get a sail) sorry about the length. :P thank you for your time :)


The feeding of the fry: Put as much food as the babies can eat in 2 to 3 minutes. Feed them as often as you can. At least 3 times a day, but hopefully more often than that.

Pregnant Platy: If she is in a community tank right now, I would move her to her own tank. You might want to invest in a larger tank because 10 gallons is not enough for the 3 fish you have in it.

Growing guppies faster:
 Food: better quality, more quantity, more often, variety
 Temp: Higher temps grow faster than lower. Be careful with the temp going up will shorten their
 Water quality: Do not ever over stalk the fry tank. Water perimeters have to be perfect. Make
                sure you do regular water changes.

I have also heard that separating the males and females as soon as you can tell the difference helps with faster growing. Putting them in larger tank also speeds up growth and helps with helping the fry get larger.

Algae: Yes algae is a great food source. It is as close to perfect food you can give them. Yes your adults will eat it too.

Algae eater: Since you are growing algae to help feed the fish, I would hold off buy one. If you do, then the pleco will eat the algae and there will be nothing left for the guppies.