Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > different behavior for my fanatail

different behavior for my fanatail

23 14:45:23

Hi and thanks for letting people have some help. Well Pumpkin[fantail goldfish] has been acting differently. When I first got him/her, he/she was a very active, outgoing fish. Pumpkin always swam around and sometimes i would put 1/3 of my pinky in the tank and Pumpkin started nibbling it. Now these days he/she hides in the corner of the tank behind a rock. Pumpkin drastically changed after a fantail tankmate died, Mr. Big. Could this be the reason why Pumpkin changes?

Hello Karen-

It's very normal for fish to experience depression, especially after a tankmate dies and they are left alone. Fantails and black moors are notorious for experiencing intense depression after the loss of a friend. It would be good of you to get another fish ASAP, perhaps a young black moor, so Pumpkin can act as a "mother/father figure."

Hope this is useful, and I'm sorry for the loss of Mr. Big. :(

-Amber Worman