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fish reproduction

23 15:11:23

do fish reproduce better with music you know like setting the mood for them. and if so can you give me a few sites with this info i need it for a debate.  hmmm also are fish harmed by mercury pollution?

Hi Shane,
  I don't see any direct reason why fish would reproduce any better with music.  However, fish keepers probably function better with music.  Personally, when I was doing my PhD which required about 4 to 5 hours of working in my fish lab every day, I found that the "fish" liked to listen to a lot of Led Zepplin and Guns and Roses (this was the late 1980's).  They seemed to spawn more :)

  Mercury harms a lot of things but I don't have any studies at hand that shows that it specifically harms fish.  My educated guess is that it does.

-- Ron
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