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catfish for my 46g bowfron tank

23 11:07:29

I have a newly set up 46g bowfront tank with two Peguin Bio-Wheel 350 and heater set at 78*F. I have four red blood parrot cichlid in this tank as the main fish. So Which type of catfish is better for my tank:
1. One Rubber Lip Pleco
2. One African Featherfin Catfish

I do think that four is too many, and you should only house 2 in that aquarium, as they will grow very large.  I would put in no catfish, but if you must have one, the featherfin isn't going to be as filthy as the pleco, so that is my recommdneation.  Four parrotfish are too large for the aquarium when full grown.  Right now, they will probably be fine, but later on, they are going to outgrow it severely.

Happy fish-keeping.
