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My betta ate a spider!

23 14:59:56


We are new fish owners and have fallen in love with our betta. Somehow today, a spider fell into his tank and he ate the legs off. I am aware that betta's are carnivores, but can this hurt him?

We have been through a few fish already, and this one is our "lucky duck". I would really hate to see him go.

Thank you so much,

Clifford Packerfish's Mommy.

Hi Michelle;

Eeeeewwww! I HATE spiders! I love Clifford already! Seriously though, it won't hurt him at all. Bugs of all kinds are great for bettas.

To help Mr. Packerfish live a long and productive spider-hunting life, here are some web pages to help you provide everything he needs;

Long live Clifford Packerfish!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins