Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > beata


23 11:30:07

Dear expert,
firs of all, thank you for helping me with my fish.So he is a contrail beta and i have had him since August.
 so his problem is that he is really bloated and is floating to the top unwillingly. i went to petsmart and the lady there said the only way to save his life is to poke him with a hydraulic needle in the abdomin.but heres the thing,i have been searching for a couple hours on something like that or any other treatments and i cant find anything.

please help! I'm really worried!

Hi Julia,
Never do this to a fish.  Only a vet would know how to do this or an experienced fish expert.  You could damage his internal organs, and he would die.
Your Betta has Swim Bladder Disease.  This disease is caused by constipation which often goes unnoticed.  Constipation happens when fish are overfed, and have poor diets.
A betta should have a varied diet.  Betta pellets, Betta flakes, Daphnia, Plankton flakes, Bloodworms, Glassworms, Mealworms, and Frozen Brine Shrimp.  He should have 2-3 small meals a day.  Example:  2 pellets, or 2 flakes for one meal.
He should also have one frozen cooked pea with the outer layer removed once a week.  You cut the pea into tiny pieces, and feed it to your betta one piece at a time, making sure he eats it, and that it does not fall to the bottom of the tank.  On the day you feed him the pea, feed him nothing else.  This is so he can clean out his system, and avoid Swim Bladder Disease.  Daphnia ia also good for his digestive system.
Since he now has this disease, try to feed him one frozen cooked pea.  Wait one day, and if he does not waste, you will have to treat him with "Kanamycin" or "Tetracycline" or "Furan-2"  Do not wait as this disease will lead to Dropsy.  Dropsy is very hard to cure, if not impossible. Follow the directions on the package, and be careful not to overdose.  Before medicating, do a water change, and keep his water very clean.
I hope the little man recovers soon.