Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Molly has growth on head with red string coming out

Molly has growth on head with red string coming out

23 14:12:10

My molly has a growth coming out of his head.  He has always had it, just grew with him.  Today I get home, and there is two red strings coming out of the growth on his head(to be honest, it resembles his fecel matter) as if it bust or something.  I want to move him out because I do not want whatever it is to grow on the other fish.  Which brought me to you.  What is it? Is it contagious?  Should I remove him from the tank?

Hi Francisco,
To be honest, this doesn't seem like something I can help you with. The only growth I can think of would be similar to an abscess or a tumor. And if that is so then there isn't much you can do about it, besides keep his stress down and his water quality optimum. Sorry I couldn't be of more help. I did search around on the internet but couldn't find anything similar, otherwise I would have given you a site to go to. Let me know if you are able to figure it out.