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very sick discus with eye covering

23 14:07:00

Hello, I'm writing to you in complete desperation. I have a 75 gallon fish tank containing 7 3 inch discus fish (different types of variety)After adding in a weather loach that had some  white "strands" growing out of him (girl friend gave it to me as a gift didn't know it was sick) All my fish have become extremely sick. My discus especially (most important fish to me) all seem to have this white thing on their eye thats growing on it. It starts off as this little bubble on their eye its white and just begins to grow and completly cover it.

Here are some pics:
(where I posted for help)

As you can see it starts off as this bubble but later proceeded to grow and swallow up the eye. And its spread to everyone in the tank. I keep up with my water changes, tried  medicine (Furan-2) which helped a little bit but then did nothing. I'm completly out of ideas and have already lost 1 elephant nose, 2 upside down cats, clown loaches, my pleco (he also had fin/tail rot when he died) And I just don't understand what its all from. Please help me,

thanks Daniel.

Hi Daniel,
 Unfortuanately, I don't have much to offer. Cloudy eyes are usually caused by one fish attacking another.  But if it is on both eyes, then it is usually something in the water.  In your case, it appears to be the latter.  

 You say that you have done lots of large water changes and that's good.  

 Personally, I would try something like Paragon II if you can find it or something high in copper and formalin.  These agents are what typically goes after parasites.  The trouble is that they are hard on fish so it is a bit of a race between the disease and host to see who can survive longer than the other.

-- Ron
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