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Help me save my angel fish!

23 11:50:19

My angel fish has been alive for 6 years now. It has been the only fish in the tank since 6 years ago. It has grown and very much enjoyed its home. It started acting a little strange a few days ago and I could not get it to eat as usual. I came home this afternoon and it was fighting to get to the top of the tank. It tried and tried but kept falling to the bottom. The tank had not been cleaned in about 2 months. Algae had built up and I had put algae cleaner in several times which made it clump up at the bottom of the tank. I had been meaning to clean it, but I have a job, a 2 year old, and go to school (all by myself). He has gone plenty of times with a dirty tank and it never seemed to hurt him or bother him. I guess this time was probably the worst from all of the algae build up. When I saw him fighting for his life tonight when I came home, I immediately cleaned his tank (100% water change with warm 82 degree water and added an ick treatment and a conditioner to the water before transferring him back in. When I changed the carbon filter it was completely filthy. Is this what is causing my fish to die? Is there anything I can do to save him now? I really feel terrible. I have had this fish for a really long time and I don't want him to die. PLEASE HELP!! Is it too late? Did I do the wrong thing by changing the aquarium tonight? Should I add anything to the water?

Hi Candice,
It is so important to keep tanks clean.  If we don't, ammonia builds up from fish waste, and uneaten food, and poisons the fish.  25% water changes are a must for all fish every week, so you see how important this is.  Changing all the water was not a good thing to do as now the fish has no good bacteria in his water.  If you still have your old sponge, put it back into the filter.  Rinse it in the same water temperature as the tank so you don't kill the good bacteria that is in it.  If you don't, buy a used sponge at your pet store.  You could buy a bottle of "Cycle" or if you have a friend that has a tank you could ask her/him for a bucket of there aquarium water, and hope for the best.  Putting medication in the tank now was also a bad the fish has to deal with water that hasn't cycled, and medication which is not helping him.  If this fish pulls through it will be a miracle.  Would a pet shop near buy house him until your tank cycles?  Maybe you know someone who could take him in for a while. I'm so sorry, and hope that the little guy pulls through.