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Frantic Fish

23 13:59:03

i have a female guppy that i got about 4 months ago, yesterday she started to swim around frantically doing flips, and tossing and hitting things. she wont stop twisting and twrling.... i have some green (not a huge amount tho) algae in my tank so i bought 2 algae eatters 4 days ago, one of them i was almost expecting to die from the git go because it wasnt really swimming right (i think the store person might have squished him)it ended up dieing and im no sure but i dont think i had found it right away, but it was at most 2 days before i found it dead. after i had removed it from my tank i cleaned some of the algae from the walls wich caused it to be really cloudy in the tank so i use about 5ml of water clarifier and it worked (i do not use it often but the few times i have it never caused a problem) however... about an hour after i notice my female guppy doing flips in the water like crazy... so i changed about 25% of the water and added some salt, it seemed to clam her down she was still frantically swiming but not as much but today when i got back from work she was at it again... do you have any idea as to what could be the problem....she has never done anything like this before and all the fish in my tank have been healthy from day 1.
i have a 10 gallon tank with filter, light, and bubbler
the temp. usually sits between 76-80 degrees. i have 2 males and 3 females plus about 20 fry that are seperated in 1/4 of the tank by a divider (they are transferred to a different tank once they reacha certain size.) the males usually follow the other female around and the "sick" one was pretty much a loner. she has had fry 1 time from what i know and is currently in the begining stages of pregnancy, her fist batch went fine there were no problems or sickness what so ever. i dont usually test the water but i assume it is fine because i have not had 1 fish die yet (other than algae eatter.) i do change the water 1 every 2 weeks or so and only about 10%. the water is really clear and the tank clean other than the aglae. i left the aglae there so that the fry could pick off it (iv read in countless books that i should.

Hi Heather;

It is probably a nervous system disorder of some kind. I wish I could help but there really isn't anything you can do.

You might consider getting more females so the males don't stress them out too much. It's best to have at least 2 females per male.

The algae is fine. There's nothing wrong with leaving it alone and the fish do like to eat it. Most hobbyists think of algae as something "dirty" but it's just simple natural plant life that is essential to many fish and water animals.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins