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breeding minnows for bait

23 13:59:05

Ron-I normally ask you Jack Dempsey questions but your name popped up for the minnows.  My son (14 yrs) wants to breed minnows for bait to fish with.  I've been investigating to see if this is possible for a layman.  We have a 10 gallon tank reserved for this purpose with pea gravel.  I know the fish dealer down the street sells Rosy Reds.  Where will we find our success?  Breeds, water temp and conditions, decor, any info you have would be helpful.  Thanks!

Hi Leslie,
 If he wants to breed minnows to see if he can breed them, that is a worthwhile project. If he wants to breed them because he thinks it will be cheaper than buying them, that is simply not going to happen.  Many minnows are not trivial to breed because their breeding is tied to the seasons, i.e., they breed in early spring.  Getting them to breed at other times can be a challenge.  Then, once they have laid eggs, you have to raise them up and that will take the better part of a year or so, during which time you have to care for them, feed them, etc.
Doing all of this will require grow up tanks, filters, etc.

Bottom line: it is an interesting thing to do, but if you want minnows to fish with, buy them at the bait store.

-- Ron
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