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New Lion Head Goldfish

23 15:10:59

My son had a Beta fish and it died this Monday  (I am hoping due to having lived a long and happy fish life.)  Today my husband took ds out to get another fish and they chose a Lionhead Goldfish.  We only have Beta fish food (until friday and I get paid) can he eat that until the weekend?  Secondly, we only have the smallish fishbowl (it holds about a gallon of water) with translucent glass beads on the bottom of the bowl and a plant in the bowl.  Are these conditions okay for our new arrival?  I always conditioned our Beta's water with conditioning drops and I changed his water every week or every other week.  Is this  maintenance still appropriate?

Hi Mychelle;

Oops! A Lionhead Goldfish needs a regular tank of 10 gallons or more to survive very long. Get one with a good filter, but no heater is needed. They are also pretty messy fish, unlike a betta.

They also need a good food made specially for them. Chopped spinach and cooked cooled green peas all squished are good supplements to avoid intestinal problems too. Feed the green foods at least two or three times a week.

Here is a great site with information on care;

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At Your Service;
Chris Robbins