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Something wrong with my platy

23 11:56:42

QUESTION: Hi, I'm new to the fish world. I have a 33 gallon tank with some guppies, platies, mollies neons and other such fish. the other day it looked like my tuxedo platy couldn't  swim swim properly. Would go up then king of fall down. I put it in a 3 in 1 breeding tank for the night, the next day it looked fine so i took it out. 2 days later it's kind of laying at the bottom of my tank leaning against the deco to stay up right. If I touch it , it swims but it's fins don't look right. It goes up fast then falls all the way down onto its belly or lays on its side. I put it back into the breeding tank so the other fish won't bother it. what do you think i should do ? Please help helplessly lost.

ANSWER: Hi Suzanne

It's hard to diagnose without seeing him, but it sounds like it could be dropsy. I recommend putting him in a separate tank and adding some antibiotics to the water. You can get these at any aquarium store. Follow the directions carefully. Also add 2 tablespoons of aquarium salt for every 10 gallons of water in the tank. Salt is also found at any aquarium store. Dropsy is usually fatal but when caught early and treated properly, a fish can make a full recovery. I hope this helps and he gets better soon!


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thanks for your help, but i waited to long i guess. he ended up swelling in the stomach and died last night. Will my other fish get this ?

Dropsy is not a particularly contagious disease, but the cause of it may still exist in your tank. I'd do at least a 50% water change, add some aquarium salt to the water at 2tbsp for every 5 gallons. Clean the decorations (use water and an aquarium brush, not with soap or any other cleaner) Replace your filter media. Wait about a week, if everyone in the tank looks good, do another water change and add new water without the salt. Good luck!
