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Male Betta - Pushing at Rock

23 11:47:52

Hi Lauren, hope all is well. My new beta is pushing at the rocks in the bottom of his container.  He eats well, is active and does not seem to have any body or fin problems. He is in a container that is close to a gallon.  I have had him for a few weeks and he has never bothered the rocks before. The are rocks and not gravel.  I clean his container weekly and always put in the same rocks cleaned only with hot water.  What do you think?  I hope he's just having fun and there are no problems.  Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated.  Thanks so much, Sandie  

Hello sandie,
Your betta could be stressed, as 2.5 gallons is a minimum for betta's and also they are supposed to be with a heater (depending where you live) and they deffinately need a filter, if you want your betta to survive your best bet is upgrading, also the heater can stop thing like white spot from developing, which is tiny white spots on there body, keep and eye out for these as they get them when there stressed most of the time and sometimes they rub on rocks so you must check for them.

Also do 15-20% water changes not whole water changes.

Good luck