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Sick female betta

23 14:13:36

I just bought three female bettas and according to the petstore it was enough space for them. One of them has what looks like puffy red lips and they look much larger than the other two. She also seems to stay at the bottom of the tank more often than the other's. I did some research online and this just doesn't seem to match anything I've read. Can you help me?

Crystal Wood

Hi Crystal;

She may have been injured when she was transported or the other females may be bullying her. Sometimes females don't get along very well if there is an aggressive little gal in the bunch. Or, she may be developing a bacterial infection. She may need to be separated to help her recover. Keep her water very clean (25% daily) and warm (at least 78f) and hopefully she will make a speedy recovery on her own.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins