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maracyn two to treat fin rot?

23 14:47:26

Dear Chris,
I have finished the second course of Maracyn-2. While the small
blood spots on Ruby's body have almost cleared, her fins are
still very pink and streaked with blood. She also seems to be
having trouble swimming up off the bottom of the tank. It has
been suggested to me to immediately start a third course of
treatment with either Triple Sulfa or Tetracycline. Would you
recommend one medication over the other? Ruby and I thank
you for any help you can offer! Beth

Followup To

Question -
I have a fancy, veil tail goldfish that had a serious case of fin rot
that went into septecemia. I treated her once with maracyn-two
with good results. Unfortunately, after moving her out of the
hospital tank back to her regular tank the septecemia returned.
is once more in the hospital tank with maracyn two. Here's the
question: both times the water in the hospital tank rapidly
VERY green and cloudy, so much so that I could barely see the
in the murky water! The product package says nothing about
changes while using the medication. Is this cloudiness an algae
bloom, or a normal side effect of maracyn two? Am I further
stressing my fish in this practically opaque water?

Answer -
Hi Beth;

Maracyn 2 makes quite a mess in any tank. It's pretty normal. It
is good to change 50% of the water daily in the hospital tank
when using antibiotics. Do it right before that day's addition of
medicine. The medicine decays within 24 hours after being
added to the tank so don't worry that you are removing it with
the water changes. It's just old stuff and the fish benefits from
having the water refreshed too. It will help boost it's immune
system. Just be sure the new water is the same temperature as
the old and use a water conditioner too.

I hope your fish feels better soon.....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins

Hi Beth;

Minocycline is the active ingredient in Maracyn Two and Tetracycline is in the same drug family. You might want to try something different. Triple Sulfa maybe?

Something else that is important is keeping the gravel clean and doing frequent water changes. A 25% water change every week and gravel vacuuming every two weeks is very important for goldfish. If yours have been less frequent, your fish may be suffering the ill effects of high nitrates (NO3). You didn't mention the size of your tank or whether other fish are there too. Overcrowding and too small a tank can have the same effect.

Followups welcome....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins