Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > weird growing stuff

weird growing stuff

23 11:47:52


weird stuff
what is this stuff!!! i take everything out of the tank clean it off boil it, scrub it, bake it in the sun. then i put it back in and 3 days later it is covering everything in the tank. it is tine almost transparent hairlike structures with a small ball on the tip that cover the entire structure of what its growing on....which is pretty much everything. even the filters, heater, glass of the tank. it is somthing i only noticed recently like the past 3 weeks. i have been trying to rid the tank of it but nothing seems to work.

WHAT is IT!!! anyone ever have anything that looks like this? i dont know if its alge of some sort or saporolegnia or what

It looks like some sort of algea growth or something, if its a tropical tank try buying some sort of cleaner fish and see if that keeps it down, also try do small water changes rather than whole water changes, algea grows where ever there is sun and water, so your sun-baking wont be helping either.

Ask at your local petshop as see if there is anything you can but to stop this growth.